Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New You?

Now that I've written "2013" a few times, it's starting to really sink in. The new year is here! I spent a few moments today putting my new year's resolutions on paper. This is one of my more honest posts, as I tried to make real, honest promises to myself.

1. Take more risks. I have been flirting with a lot of ideas lately that involve my professional future. While I'm not quite ready to divulge yet, just putting that little something on paper makes it more real. I am working on the confidence to do something on my own. And stick with it. 

2. Entertain more at home. And don’t be stressed if everything isn’t PERFECT. 

3. Invest in fashion classics but take some risks. No more crappy clothes just because they're on sale and I want something new.

4. Be in the moment. Worry less about EVERYTHING: what others think, expectations, saving money, my “life plan,” the world, my health, my sanity! Be more present on a daily basis and reap the rewards of focusing on the now and not the later. 

5. Don't be judgmental. To elaborate on #4's "what others think" - it's a two-way street.  

6. Laugh more. And laugh at MYSELF more. 

7. Take the time to read (not just the few moments before I dose off to sleep). I love to read. I'm a fiction girl. I resolve to take some time for myself to curl up with a good book and get lost in a story - without falling asleep. Book recommendations welcome!

8. Get back to swimming. I love to swim and its great exercise. Getting TO the pool is a different story. 

9. Be thankful. I am blessed. Enough said.

What have you decided to work on this year?

Quotable Cards

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