Saturday, March 23, 2013


Holy smokes!

It's been a while. Sorry for the crickets. I've been in wedding planning mode and let me tell you ... it's for the birds. Well, OK, not really, but it's all-consuming. However, I do want to share a recent experience with you. I did a cleanse. For 5 days. Here's the honest down low ... I kept a daily journal along the way.

I’ve been wanting to do a cleanse for some time now. Well, ever since Gwyneth Paltrow starting promoting them. I want to be like her. I'm not joking. 
I try to do something active every day, but an increasingly busier schedule and shift in priorities (inexcusable!) has prevented my workouts from being as frequent or as intense as they used to be. I’ve also gotten a little lax in my eating habits. Poor choices and big servings is a bad combo for me. I had heard of and read about Roots Juices here in Dallas a few different times, so I decided to look into it.  I need something to jumpstart me back into my old, good habits of healthy food choices and, thus, more energy. 5 days of juice seemed doable. I can do anything for 5 days. Ummm. Wait, that’s not true.

I ordered my cleanse online. It's not cheap. But, I justified it because I won't be buying any grocery story food, eating out at restaurants, or purchasing alcohol. Lord help me on that last one. I select the "Gentle" cleanse - easiest (they claim) for people like me new to cleanses.

I'm choosing to do my cleanse Monday-Friday. I figured the work week was the chance for most success. For me, it's the easiest time to get into  routine and have the least amount of temptations. To meet this schedule, the juices are delivered on Sunday to my front porch around 4 p.m. And into the refrigerator they go. 
I hardly drink soda, but I do enjoy at least one or two cups of REGULAR tea or coffee in the morning. I figured transitioning off of caffeine might be the hardest part of this whole thing. So, I decid to quit caffeine two days prior (Saturday) to starting the cleanse. Bring on the headache. 
On Sunday evening, in my attempt to get pumped up for the week and take my mind off my headache, I fix a healthy dinner of fish, brown rice and spinach salad. As I pour another glass of wine.

Day 1
7 a.m. – The first juice is carrot juice. I’m not in the mood for carrot juice. I want coffee.
7:30 a.m. – Carrot juice isn’t so bad. But I can’t force myself to finish the last swig.
8:30 a.m. – Bad taste in my mouth. Chugging water, but it’s not helping.
9 a.m. – Boyfriend is going out of town for the week. I can do this. Alone.
10: 15 a.m. – My stomach is growling. It’s hard to not just reach for a snack.
11 a.m. – Small headache comes and goes.
1 p.m. – Co-worker is heating up a Lean Cuisine in the microwave. Thinking about swiping it. And I don’t even eat Lean Cuisines.
3 p.m. – All I do is drink. All I do is pee. I really want some food that I can chew.
5 p.m. – Hungry again. 4 more days?!?!

Day 2
7 a.m. – Feeling a little weak this morning. What have I gotten myself into?
9 a.m. – Small headache, but nothing like I experienced the last two days. Hallelujah.
1 p.m. – Not taking a lunch has increased my productivity at work. I wonder if my co-workers would be open to this cleanse idea. We would conquer the world.
3 p.m. – I think my mind has finally wrapped itself around that I am constantly drinking juice. Nothing else. #thepartyneverends
5 p.m. – I think I have set a Guinness world record of how many times you can pee in a day.
9 p.m. – Didn’t get to the last juice/water. Oh darn.

Day 3
7 a.m. – Waking up is getting more difficult. I have zero energy.
7:30 a.m. – Still can’t finish the last swig of carrot juice.
11 a.m. – Coworkers discussing where to eat lunch. I feel empowered. Half way there!
1 p.m. – My stomach growled loudly in a meeting. That’s one way to get unwanted attention.
2 p.m. – I’m actually enjoying the juices. My favorites: Refresh and Lean & Fit.
6:30 p.m. – Can’t stop peeing. And I have the hiccups.

Day 4
7 a.m. – I swear the juices are making me have crazy dreams.
8 a.m. – Feeling revived after my carrot juice. I can do this. Only 2 more days. Still have the hiccups.
11 a.m. – My boss told me I looked like a celebrity carrying my green juice around. Mission accomplished. We can all go home.
1 p.m. – Juices going down very easily. No sweat.
4 p.m. – I can tell I’ve lost a few pounds.

Day 5
7 a.m. – I’m actually enjoying and looking forward to the juices. 
10 a.m. – Still just drinkin’ my juices, but figured I needed to post something.
1 p.m. – I may actually miss these darn juices.
2 p.m. – Just bought a Vitamix online.
4 p.m. – Looking up juicing recipes.
7 p.m. – At Whole Foods – oh how I’ve missed you.
10 p.m.  Last water in my belly. Victory. Victory at last.

If you have never done a cleanse before, start with the 3-day. Not 5-day. You will thank me.
If caffeine is a part of your diet, try weaning off of it a few days before you start the cleanse. This will make for an easier transition and one less thing to worry about.
Use a straw. Prevents teeth slime.
Know that you will be hungry, but you will survive.
Don’t schedule any happy hours or restaurant dinners during your cleanse. Too tempting.
Purchase "clean" food towards the end of your cleanse so you will have it ready post-cleanse to hit the ground running with your new, healthy eating habits.
Doing a cleanse is a mind set. Seriously, it’s all in your head. I can't wait to do the next one. I just need to save some more money first.

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