Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Next Pinterest

I don't know about you, but I rarely buy anything at full price. Unless I need it right away (like that tray I HAD to have for the baby shower mini-cupcake display last weekend, or those new platform boots that looked AH-MAZING with the new dress I just bought - on sale, of course - to wear at the event last week), but, that's beside the point. When I go into a store, I browse around and look interested at what's at the front of the store until I spot the words "SALE" somewhere. Of course I'm discreet about it (I like to think I've gotten really good at this). So, you can imagine my excitement when I found out about Hukkster. It's a site that keeps tabs on when items go on sale FOR YOU. 

It works similar to Pinterest and monitors price reductions on our behalf. After signing up (the site is still in beta, so you have to request an invite but it's easy), add the “Hukk It” extension to your bookmarks, right next to where your “Pin It” icon lives. Then, whenever you're browsing the web and see something you want cheaper, click the “Hukk It” button and enter the item’s current price as well as how much you’d like to see it discounted (25 percent or 50 percent) before you buy. If the price drops to that amount, Hukkster will alert you via text or e-mail and give you the option to buy the item on the spot. You can also log in anytime to check your Hukks and buy stuff you’re sick of waiting on.

And it's more than just for fashion ... Hukkster has also partnered with nonapparel websites like Best Buy and Williams-Sonoma.

To learn more about the two talented ladies who founded Hukkster, click here (they were former buyers for J.Crew.)

Images via hukkster.com.

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