Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bungalow Update

Many of you have been asking how "the house" is coming along. Unfortunately, I haven't written any posts about our Home Sweet Home because I'm still depressed about losing my camera that had ALL the Before & After photos on it. It just simply disappeared one day. No joke. 

OK, a little background: Up until this point, we have done mostlyeverything ourselves, but we are getting to the trickier projects that will require us to call  in the experts. More on that later! We have painted just about every room in the house. And the three rooms (all bathrooms) that we haven't painted will be wallpapered

The living/dining room was a salmony/peachy color (not lovely), so we painted it and the connecting hallway a custom gray color from Sherwin Williams (a shade in between Lazy Gray and Argos). All the trim throughout the house was already bright white, but the living room is the only room with crown molding. It needed a little TLC, so I painted one coat of matte white paint over it.

With an intricate, unusual - not to mention THE ORIGINAL- crown molding, I wanted to highlight it in some way and draw people's attention up to it, without it taking over the room. So, I settled on adding a subtle glossiness to it. Let me introduce you to:

You need VERY little of this to do the job. Otherwise, it pools and drips, and then you end up with a yellow tint (not good). 

The photos don't do it justice, but you can see the before matte white paint:

In progrees: without the gloss treatment (left) and with it (right):

 With polyeurethane coat:

Overall, it was an easy project, and adds some dimension to the room. Check back to see how the living room decor turns out!

What do you think? What have your experiences been with polyeurethane?

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