Thursday, December 20, 2012

Net-A-Porter To-Printer

Net-A-Porter is one of my go-to online destinations for luxury items on sale. So, I find it intriguing that the famous shopping site is taking it one step further (or backward?) and going to print. Yep, that's right ... the famed online boutique is launching its own fashion magazine. 

No, NOT a catalog. To clear the air: The new Net-A-Porter would will be a "full-fledged fashion glossy," Fashionista says. A la Vogue, Elle or Harper's Bazaar (currently arriving monthly in your mailbox?). With editorials, articles, exclusive interviews and photo spreads. And probably some of those smelly perfume samples.

"Traditional publishers always say that we are lucky for being born in a digital age and don't have a legacy of print," Net-A-Porter CEO Mark Sebba said. "But we still see it as important. It isn't a secret that Net-a-Porter will be publishing a major fashion magazine within the next 12 months or so."

An online magazine would be one thing, but it's rare for a website to launch a printed magazine. And Net-a-Porter's already boasts a lot of readers and shoppers; they net around six million monthly visitors, and they already have a magazine-style app for the iPad. I, for one, can't wait to see how N-A-P makes its mark on the publishing world! 

What do you think? Will you be picking up a hard copy of Net-a-Porter? Or sticking with the world wide web?

Images via

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